Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Happy New Year !

Just hours before it all starts again and already new titles and votes have come through for January. Looks like the New Year will get off to a good start!

Sunday, 28 December 2008

December 2008 Winners are ....

This month's Reader's Choice Award goes to 'Soft Target' with over 200 votes!

The Author's Choice was very close right up to the final minutes but 'Knight's Fork' won the December award!

Two very worthy winners, well supported by our AmazonClicks book buyers and authors.

Congratulations to authors Conrad Jones and Rowena Cherry - a great end to 2008!

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Just a few more hours to vote!

Voting closes at 12:00 Noon GMT tomorrow, Saturday 28th December. 

The Awards this month have been very much a roller coaster ride but in the last remaining hours it is Soft Target back in the lead for the Reader's Choice Award and Knight's Fork ahead in the Author's Choice Award.

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Last few days!

As we go into the closing days, Knights Fork is holding on to the lead in both categories but it is extremely close now.

Every vote will count!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Knight's Fork leads both categories!

With the recent demise of Soft Target due to 'spamming', Knight's Fork has now moved into the top position in both categories!

Genuine votes for Soft Target could help it to bounce back but time is running out. In the meantime, Knight's Fork is both the Reader's and Author's top choice for December 2008.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Spam Voting Knocks Leading Book from Top Position

Yet again Soft Target has been dogged by spam voting, and it has dropped several places again as a result. It seems a shame if the voters think this will help a title as it has the opposite effect.

With just a few days to go it could cost this book the Reader's Choice Award for December. 

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Votes pour in - no position change yet!

Despite oodles of votes arriving over the past 48 hours and lots of time spent counting and calculating positions, there has been no change with the leading titles ....yet!

If this continues, it may be a different story as the fans are out in force voting for their favourites as we move into Christmas week, who will be our Christmas winners?

Friday, 19 December 2008

Knight's Fork continues to forge!

More votes have come in for Knight's Fork and it continues to progress in the rankings.

Also Soft Target is continuing to get the support of it's readers and is establishing a commanding lead this week.

As we approach Christmas week, the voting is intensifying and the outcome is still up for grabs!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Knight's Fork inching ahead!

Knight's Fork is moving up the ranks rapidly in both categories!

Soft Target still holds onto the lead in the Reader's Choice Award after the votes cast overnight and today (despite a few duplicates). Mid-week, mid-month and it's still all up for grabs in December!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Soft Target down....then up!

After losing it's leading role over night, Soft Target bounced back this morning and again is in the lead for the Reader's Choice Award.

No change in position for the Author's Choice and The Devil's Trinity still sets the pace!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Awards Shake Up Again!

Once again the rankings have changed in both categories as we head into the last half of December and towards the end of 2008!

Soft Target has returned to the top position of the Reader's Choice Award with a comfortable margin although the next three positions are very close indeed.

Devil's Trinity has moved into first place in the Author's Choice Award and in both categories In Search of an Angel is currently in second place.

Whilst anyone could still win either category, the Author's Choice Award has several titles very close together in the rankings.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Remix and 'The Book' Award Message

The news today is a big remix of positions in the rankings, for both categories.

New names, alongside titles that have been listed for several weeks, have all shifted as a result of the votes cast over the past 48 hours. In the second week of December, it is very much up for grabs!

The Annual Book Award is also sponsored by this year (2008 - 2009) and the winning titles from our monthly Reader's and Author's Choice Awards will all be automatically nominated. Those of you who have voted for our titles will receive an email in the coming weeks urging you to vote one more time in Autumn next year to support your favourite title.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Voting on the move again!

New titles and suddenly the voting picks up again !

Over the past 24 hours some of the positions have changed and the order looks very different to a few days ago when everyone was clearly on holiday :)

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Close at the top!

As the voting gathers steam again, the rankings are very close indeed between the top books in both categories.

The top three Readers' Choices have in one case just a single vote between them and the Author's Choice is now a tie for the top book!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

No position changes today

For once a very boring day! Only a few votes in for each category and no change in position.

It had to happen sooner or later!

Monday, 1 December 2008

And they're off!

The starting pistol is still smoking as the first runners are on their way!

'Soft Target' makes the early ground with a backlog of Reader's votes from November but both the Angels are flying too - that's 'Angel's in Mourning' and 'In Search of an Angel'.

Bizarrely, SEVEN Author's titles are now equal in the leading position for December! Statitistically this must be some kind of record but it shows just how close the voting can be in this category and how it really is open for any one of our Authors to win.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

A New month an Old year!

Well the last month of 2008 and the monthly competition begins all over again!

There are already new titles coming in and some books start with a backlog of votes from previous months. Let's get down to business - who wants the December 2008 Reader's and Author's Choice Awards!

Saturday, 29 November 2008

'Paranoia' and 'Over by Christmas' win in November!

More details will follow in the morning but the late night bulletin is that 'Paranoia' has won the Reader's Choice Award for November with over two hundred votes! It was a close contest with ony eight votes between the winner and runner up 'Soft Target'.

'Over by Chrismas' was always the front runner in the Author's Choice Award and this win follows hot on it's success last month as the Reader's Choice!

Congratulations to J E Braun and William Daysh for their extremely popular works.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Just over 24 hours to go!

Approaching 600 votes have been cast this month for our nominated titles, a huge show of support!

Now with just over 24 hours until the shutters come down for November, the top positions are still seperated by only a handful of votes. This month has seen both solid voting for the established titles and the rapid acceleration of new ones.

Check the nominations page for the latest ranking in each category!

Two books seeing most votes!

'Paranoia' and 'Angel's in Mourning' are attracting the most votes at the moment as we approach the last couple of days.

There is just a hair between the leading titles and others are driving up the ranks - but overall the rank ordering is the same as yesterday!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Only 12 Votes in it!

With only a few days of voting left there are just 12 votes separating the top books in the Reader's Choice Award!

Support for both the Reader's and Author's categories has burst into life over the last 24 hours and some of the books further down the list have seen revitalised voting.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

3 Days to go!

That can't be right ! Can it?

Just three more days of voting until the 28th and the final count.

Another big day today with lots of support for our current leader in the Reader's Choice Award and strong support also for some of the newer Author's Choices.

It would be naive of me to guess knowing well how it all can change in a day or two, but.....

..... No I'll keep quiet and wait patiently as the next few days hot up even more - we could do with some heat her in the UK!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

News Blip!

If any of you saw a somewhat confusing news item earlier - let me explain!

First sorry, that news piece was not intended for this site at all it was for a site where progress on my own novel 'Rachel's Shoe' is given. It is waiting for a release date and I had been given some duff information from my publishers which I passed on to my customers. Some have placed and paid for advance orders so I was just a bit miffed to find the long awaited release date still wasn't on schedule.

Anyway enough about that - you want to know how the voting is going!

We have more nominations for the Reader's Choice Award, the latest being 'Dance with Deception'. The voting for 'Soft Target' is still being scrutinised and 'Paranoia' is still in the lead! The Author's Choice Award has seen fairly modest voting over the past 24 hours but it has been across a number of titles so the outcome is going to be very difficult to predict. 'Over by Christmas' is still out in front and will be difficult to stop with just a few days left of voting.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Weekend wander!

Most change over the past 24 hours has been in the Author's Choice Award positions with two new entrants pushing their way up the ratings.

Interesting movement also with the Reader's Choice Award although 'Paranoia' is still hanging on to the leading position. Due to some duplicate votes 'Soft Target' has declined whilst the votes are scrutinised so it could be back in the running but right now it has dropped out of contention.

Friday, 21 November 2008

10, 9, 8, 7........Countdown to the deadline!

Just 7 full days to go until the November 28th voting deadline!

At this time each month we usually even hotter contention for the leading places and without wishing to give too much away - I predict a very close race indeed for the Reader's Choice Award this month. The top two titles are very close.

It would take an upset to dislodge the Author's Choice Award leading book as throughout the month so far 'Over by Christmas' has led the field. But let's not speak too soon - upsets have been known to happen!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Paranoia takes grip!

There is no doubt the Reader's Choice Awards attract the most votes every day and by comparison the Author's voting often seems quite slow. But we do still receive new nominations all the time from our authors showing solidarity with their peers.

In contrast the Reader's Choice attracts a large number of votes from the satisfied customers of each author. So far this month the highest rate of growth has come for the book that is currently leading this category 'Paranoia'.

Good luck to all the titles!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Dozens of votes - no change!

OK it happens sometimes, despite a flurry of votes coming in the overall positions haven't changed since yesterday.

We have another new entry though in the Author's Choice Award - 'Shades of Gray'. There are unlikely to be any of these by the time we reach month end though if the voting is anything to go by!

Monday, 17 November 2008

New leader!

"Paranoia' by J E Braun moves into the leading position in the Reader's Choice Awards followed by 'In Search of an Angel'. In the Author's Choice Awards, two new entrants are moving up the ranks - 'Mind on Fire' and 'It's Me Again'.

'Over by Christmas' remains out in front with our Authors - at least, today it does! Who knows what tomorrow will bring in either of our categories?

A Mad Weekend!

Wow - the voting is really hotting up now! This weekend has been mad and more titles are still coming forward.

The leading titles are still leading but further down the positions are changing and the challengers in both categories are creeping - in some cases running - up the ladder!

This is what happens when you get such a popular collection of books. All of the authors should take some pleasure in the support their readers and fellow authors are giving.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Top 3 Reader's Choice Books Pass 300 votes !

The votes this month are pouring in and at the halfway point more than 300 have come in for our top three titles in the Reader's Choice alone.

They are - in order of the most votes; 'Soft Target' published by Authorhouse , 'Paranoia' published by and 'In Search of an Angel' published by Libros International.

Even as I type more votes are coming in so it is extremely close and although the ranking hasn't changed for a couple of days now, it could go any way at the end of the month!

The Author's Choice Award voting continues at a more sedate pace with no changes at the top!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Back in the ratings!

After languishing outside the ranks due to some duplicates votes, 'Soft Target' has returned to lead the Reader's Choice Award for November. The rapid advance of votes for 'Paranoia' mean that it is gaining ground quickly on the leader.

In the Author's Choice Award, 'Over By Christmas' resolutely holds on to the top spot with just a few votes seperating it from the pack but the gap remains consistent. Good luck to all the Authors as we run towards the weekend!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

It's tough at the top!

Dozens of votes have come in over the last 24 hours for our top books but the positions have not changed. Whilst the leading titles have pulled away a little, in both categories the middle positions are exremely close and with the number of votes coming in it is anybody's guess who will carry the Awards away this month!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Just like the stock exchange!

Today the voting is a bit like the financial markets with postions bumping up and down !

Some titles are now seperated by a single vote so it has never been closer.

Don't forget to back your favourite but remember duplicates can push them down, not up the ratings!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Voting activity heats up!

I suppose we could do with that in contrast with this lousy weather (here in Britain anyway!).

It's great to see the new titles coming forward and a ressurgence of votes for the existing books. Although there is no overall change yet, I sense it may be immanent in some positions. Lots of votes are coming in across the board in both categories.

So your votes will count and help to keep the temperature rising!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Oh dear - an upset!

One of our leaders has fallen foul of the spam filter after a batch of duplicates came through again. We now have some work to recover geniune votes and we hope too many won't be lost but for now it has dived in the ratings.

Another title is shooting up in popularity and may soon become a contender 'Paranoia' has come from behind to 3rd place in the Reader's Choice Award and the votes are still pouring in!

'Over by Christmas' retains the lead in the Author's Choice with more votes coming in and despite all the support rank positions in both categories are currently very similar to yesterday. It's still all up for grabs!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Here are the latest positions!

After a thorough count and re-count, the latest voting shows 'Soft Target' leading this month's Reader's Choice Award and 'Over By Christmas' leading the Author's Choice. It is close in the top books across both categories.

All the other books are now rank ordered with many neck and neck in their positions.

Only the eighth of the month and the tension is mounting!

Good luck to all the books.

Just 24 Hours to wait!

Just 24 hours until the current votes are completely rank ordered, so if you want to see the latest accurate position of your chosen title, pop by tomorrow evening for the news!

In the meantime, keep those votes pouring in it is still very close at the top of both categories.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Normal service will be resumed as soon as .......

Today I planned to rank order all this month's entries after my shuffle at the beginning of the week. Unfortunately time and tide wait for no man and this one had to spend the day getting his boat ashore for the winter. Sorry about the delay and I will do all the rankings this weekend. Suffice it to say that Ashes to the Vistula and Soft Target are attracting the most new votes at present and whilst several new titles have been nominated, they are not yet ahead in the votes. Of course all the correctly posted votes count even if I have been delayed so do keep them coming in and ....normal service will be resumed by this weekend!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

November starts with a bang!

Lots of new titles and votes pouring in, November has certainly started with a bang to match any fireworks party. OK, I know that something slightly higher profile is going on....

This will be my one and only political comment, but I must say it - great news from across the pond - congratulations America!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Make your vote count!

As the voting continues for November, it is important for all supporters to remember they do need to follow the voting procedure correctly or their votes may not count. Also, I understand those who think it helpful to try sending multiple votes but it isn't, the spam filter gets rid of them and there is a danger genuine votes for the same title may be lost.

So please check the website to ensure you get it right but keep those (genuine!) votes coming in.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Nominations Shuffle!

As it is still early days this month we have mixed up the Nominations for each award to bring some of the new entries to your attention. I will revert to the voting order later this week but in the meantime, please take a look at all the titles - but then don't forget to support your favourite!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Reader's Choice Award starts this month's ball rolling

As the November voting begins it is the Reader's Choice that has the first votes coming in. 'Ashes to the Vistula' won the Author's Choice Award last month and has started the race this month for the Reader's Choice Award.

There are plenty of contenders with votes carried over from last month for both awards so it should be an interesting month!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

November Kicks Off !

After the crescendo of activity at the end of October, we now glide into another month and a brand new competition for both the Author's and Reader's Choice Awards.

Further improvements to the website design are just around the corner so please watch this space. In the meantime, our titles that were in the running (apart from the October winners) still need your votes and new ones have already started to come in. As the Awards gain wider and wider recognition, thousands are now regularly visiting the site giving our authors the exposure their excellent works deserve.

Roll on November!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

The Winners for October are ..............

Readers Choice Award - 'Over by Christmas'

Author's Choice Award - 'Ashes to the Vistula'

Congratulations to both authors for winning what has been the toughest competition so far. Particularly close on the heels was 'Soft Target'.

Voting has now finished for October and any that come in will count towards the November Awards.

Thanks to everyone who voted for making this such a gripping month!

Monday, 27 October 2008

All Change & Just 24 Hours to Go!

This time tomorrow there will be just a few minutes of voting left and the latest positions have changed again.

With over 500 votes cast for the top 2 books in the Reader's Award alone this month, a new record has been set. 'Over by Christmas' is now in the lead for the Reader's Choice Award ahead of 'Soft Target'.

The Author's have come out strongly for 'Ashes to the Vistula' which now leads 'Over by Christmas'.

It could all still change again for October as the votes continue to come in.

Good luck to all the authors!

Less than 48 Hours to go......

With less than 48 hours to go, the voting couldn't be closer. In both categories there are just a handful of votes seperating the leading books and all of the top ten positions are close.

The latest positions will be updated today - but on the present count, it is just too close to call!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Changes at the Top!

Changes for both the Reader's Choice and Author's Choice Awards today!

'Soft Target' has nudged ahead with our Readers but yielded to top position to 'Over by Christmas' with our Authors. These two titles are seperated by a handful of votes in the final days of this month.

Friday, 24 October 2008

New Votes - New Guidelines Page!

Today's voting has made no difference to the rankings but 'Over by Christmas' is pulling away in the Reader's Choice Award and closing on 'Ashes to the Vistula' for the Author's Choice. If this trend continues, we could have our first double winner!

At present though, 'Ashes to the Vistula' holds on to the lead in what has been the highest voting activity amongst our Authors. Just a few days to go now!

The rules for voting have caused some confusion so I hope everyone will find the new page helpful which explains the way it works. Voters should check these rules before casting their vote to ensure their vote will contribute to the success of their chosen author.

Keep the votes coming!


What a difference a day makes!

Actually, two days really but in those we have seen 8 new nominations for the Author's Choice Award and lots of votes for both as the month runs towards an end on the 28th (for voting purposes).

The main position changes have been in the Author's Choice with 'Ashes to the Vistual' edging ahead of 'Over by Christmas'. The voting has been very close and there have been some duplicate entries which had to be removed to give a fair total. Most positions have changed over the past 48 hours.

Although many votes have come in for the Reader's Choice Award, there has been no change in position with 'Over by Christmas' leading 'Soft Target' at the moment.

Needless to say, with the positions so close and only a few days left every vote counts for both awards.

So keep the votes coming!


Tuesday, 21 October 2008

48 Hours News Embargo!

Nothing sinister but I will be away for a couple of days so the next update on the voting will be Thursday evening.

I'm pleased to report new nominations coming in for the Reader's Choice Award so let's hope the votes follow soon and they move up the ratings.

Currently 'Over by Christmas' retains the leading position just ahead of 'Soft Target' for the Reader's Award. 'The Devil's Trinity' leads 'Over by Christmas' in our Author's contest this month.

The positions have shuffled around on page one of the Awards so far this week so check your favorite title and don't forget to support it with your vote.


Monday, 20 October 2008

New Look Nominations Page !

Having re-vamped the News page, I set out to improve the Nominations page for Reader's and Author's Choice Awards.

You may find a few seconds delay as with the News page, this is a slight downside but I hope you will not find it a pain.

Thanks to Amazon's aStores I will be able to change the rank orders, add and remove titles much easier from now on. I hope you agree we also get a more consistent appearance.

This way of doing it ony shows the Top Nine titles on the first page for each category but you can now see further titles down the list by clicking other pages. This will give some exposure to newly nominated titles.

This should be available from the afternoon of Tuesday (20th) this week.

Keep those votes coming in !


Waiting in the Wings

New titles waiting in the wings!

Just in case the top ten are relaxing, the news is that more titles are waiting in the wings. Recently nominated but not quite enough votes yet to show. My guess is they will be listing quite soon and the order will change once again. 

So keep those votes coming in for your favorite titles, we're over half way through the month now.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Book News - The votes

Some of you will have noticed that each time we post news, the website has to be changed. So here is a new idea!

We will post our news updates to this Blog which is MUCH easier to update and leaves the site intact. The Nominations page will still be updated manually for now but the next step will be to improve that.

The main news our visitors look for is progress on the voting so here is the first update.

Over by Christmas is back on top again! There really is a race going on for the Reader's Choice Award this month and Soft Target has slipped back to second place. The votes keep coming !