Thursday, 30 April 2009

Just one day to go!

As the last day of voting is upon us for April, it remains too close to call at the top and several titles further down the ranks are sharing positions.

There will be just one winner this month and in the future as we transition towards the new set up described earlier. The results will be announced this weekend.

A number of surveys, polls and requests for feedback have been conducted to evaluate the eBook proposition and I'm pleased to report overwhelming support in favour. So wheels are now in motion to set this up and if you wish your title to be included, please send it to .

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Big changes on the way - Major Announcements!

Two Major Announcements

The AmazonClicks Award

After much deliberation, we have decided to merge the Readers and Authors Choice Awards to one monthly 'AmazonClicks Award' for the most popular book. Due to the low votes in April, this will be effective immediately. The good news is that the competition goes on and with the announcement below, even more traffic will be directed to our site.

AmazonClicks to Sell eBooks !

Having watched the behaviour of some on line retailers recently and the growth in sales of ebooks, AmazonClicks is to build a worldclass store specialising in eBook sales and free downloads. This store will be open to all authors and all available formats. In addition, we will offer to convert any work from a 'Word' format into an ebook including short stories, poems and of course full length books.

Based in the Channel Islands, AmazonClicks (like's Jersey operation) can take advantage of the 'de minimus' agreement that allows all goods to be sold without VAT below an £18 value. This will apply to all eBooks as the top price will be limited so no VAT or Sales Tax of any kind will be charged. This coupled with the low operational costs of distributing eBooks will permit generous margins to be paid to our authors who, after all, were responsible for the many hours of creative work that went into these publications. It is anticipated that the higher sales volume and margins will result in a greater return to the authors even though the retail price may be the same or lower.

There will be no initial publication charge for pre-formatted works and the site will be promoted heavily online. A small charge will be made for the conversion of works from 'Word' to eBook format.

This represents a huge opportunity for all writers to distribute their works to an international audience and ride the eBook wave which is currently outstripping paper books by about 10 to 1. It is also a much more environmentally friendly route to market.

During May and June AmazonClicks will transform in appearance to ensure it is 'user friendly' to ebook customers and our marketing will commence ready for a launch on 1st July, 2009.

A note to authors now - how do you get your book listed?

At this stage, we invite all authors to contact us by email at giving the name of the work they wish published, a contact name and email address (if other than the sending address) and an indication of the eBook format(s) available. If not in any format, just confirm it is available in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format.

NB It is vital that you confirm that you are the owner of the copyright for any work put forward and take full responsibility in the event of any subsequent claims.

We will reply with a list of other details that are required in a few weeks.

Finally, we don't see eBooks as the demise of their paper counterparts, they will appeal to a different audience but one that is large and growing very rapidly.

Monday, 20 April 2009

It's been quiet

Well you may be wondering why there have been no updates for a while.

The truth is there' been nothing to tell you. The voting has dropped off a cliff and right now I'm wondering if it will recover.

I like to keep upbeat but as this site isn't here to make me money, I need to see some activity to justify my efforts. :)

Since we set up over two thousand people have voted for a variety of titles and their support has been very much appreciated by me and, more importantly, by the authors they supported. I know of course that many authors lobbied their customers to support them and that is fine.

Perhaps the current authors listed should try this?

We're in the last week of voting for April so there has never been a better opportunity to get your favorite title an Award.

Let's see the votes return!

Monday, 13 April 2009

Abstract Murder

A new title by A L Peck, 'Abstract Murder' is the only submission over the last few days and the voting has also been low. So no changes in the positions of our leading books.

Everyone on holiday? :)

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Amazon Boycott

We've come a long way since starting up and the Awards as well as the previous relationship with Amazon in their Associates program. We have also learned a great deal about the way Amazon operate, some of which we find unpalatable.

They used to be a great company to work with and buy from but now, like many large organisations, they have lost the plot and started to attack the very people they built their business on, the authors.

They are trying to force every print on demand author to use their wholly owned printing company and they are imposing 60% profit margins on many of the publishers who supply them. This effectively squeezes them out of the market.

What Amazon seem to forget is that there are a great many authors who are also their customers and these people have family and friends who have been customers as well. So enough is enough, a boycott has been called and supports it.

To find out more, follow this link to the Arts Council sponsored website of ''.

There is always Barnes & Noble, Waterstones,, WH Smith, The Book Depositary, etc. in fact many others who provide excellent service and free delivery of books to your door. So please tell everyone you know to support the boycott until and unless Amazon changes its ways.

Thank you

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Change in the Authors' lead for April

'Shaping the Wolf within your Dog' has taken the lead in the Authors' Choice Award for April and several other positions have changed.

'Angels in Mourning' continues to lead with our Readers' Choice Award although there has been some position shifting further down the ranks so who knows how long the lead will last!

The votes are streaming in now for April and as ever, the positions (especially leading positions) are extremely close.

Friday, 3 April 2009

April off to a Better Start

You're back!

The first flurry of voting for April puts 'Out of the Italian Night' (my late father's book!) at the head of the Authors' Choice Awards and 'Angels in Mourning' at the front of the Readers' Choice Awards this month.

I struggled with whether or not to include my father's book and decided not to allow my own book, 'Rachel's Shoe' from competing even though it was nominated. Dad's book is a different situation though and I feel as long as I'm 'up front' about it - why not?

So here you have the early positions for April, let's see what happens!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Tumbleweed rolls !!

Well we have had one day when no votes came in for one of our categories after a month end but over the past 24 hours no votes have been received for either!

This, of course , spells opportunity for you to get your favorite title in the lead for April! Right now there's little between the top 30 books so your vote might make all the difference.

Go on, get the ball rolling for April and reward your chosen author!