Monday 11 May 2009

The Book Awards

After much deliberation, the new Awards will simply be called 'The Book Awards'!

Each month readers will vote for just one Award so the next will be the 'The Book Award for May 2009'.

The domain has been registered and the site will now be updated to reflect the new name and remove the sales side.

Previous votes for the AmazonClicks Awards will be carried over and rank ordered again for this month shortly.

Thank you for your patience over the past few weeks and especially for the very warm emails of support.

Finally, a short note to the authors who have been nominated over the months since we started;

Please be in no doubt, it's an achievement to inspire people to take the trouble to vote for your work. The winners of these awards should be proud they have evoked that inspiration.


Tuesday 5 May 2009

Lame attacks - still..

Well friends, it appears we are being attacked by a self-publicist running a blog site who is trying to attract readers by attacking others.

I won't publish his blogs name (if you really want it just email me) as that is clearly what he's hoping for, but basically he accuses us of trading off Amazon's name and running meaningless awards. I'm guessing he's never won an award and is envious of those of you who have attracted hundreds of votes for your titles.

If you come across this sort of vitriol, I suggest you just ignore it because his is only one tiny, unknown voice against the many that have praised your achievements.

As for the Amazon name, I think it's pretty clear on every page of this site that we aren't trading off it, despite the fact that Amazon were perfectly content having an approved Associates relationship with us for many months through 2008 and accepting thousands of visitors as a result.

Still... now that relationship has ended and rather than give fuel to the mindless ramblings of people like the aforementioned, I intend to change the name in the near future.

I will send out a notice when it is done and clearly I will post an update here but any links you have created will be re-directed to the new site. After long consideration and polling onions around the Internet, I've decided not to pursue the eBook or any other type of selling on line. The new awards site will be just that, exclusively awards.

Personally I find it sad that people spend time portraying themselves as the 'custodians of the publishing world' when in fact they are simply promoting their own blog site, but aspiring authors should not be deterred from continuing to write. These people are in the minority and few have even heard of them so they will have no impact on the prospects for your work.


Saturday 2 May 2009

And the winner for April is .....

Angels in Mourning by David Wind!

Congratulations David for taking the title this month after quite a number of weeks in the top ratings.

As previously mentioned, the site is about to undergo so changes so please bear with me whilst this happens. This needed prevent you from voting for your favorite title though, I'll still be counting!

Thursday 30 April 2009

Just one day to go!

As the last day of voting is upon us for April, it remains too close to call at the top and several titles further down the ranks are sharing positions.

There will be just one winner this month and in the future as we transition towards the new set up described earlier. The results will be announced this weekend.

A number of surveys, polls and requests for feedback have been conducted to evaluate the eBook proposition and I'm pleased to report overwhelming support in favour. So wheels are now in motion to set this up and if you wish your title to be included, please send it to .

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Big changes on the way - Major Announcements!

Two Major Announcements

The AmazonClicks Award

After much deliberation, we have decided to merge the Readers and Authors Choice Awards to one monthly 'AmazonClicks Award' for the most popular book. Due to the low votes in April, this will be effective immediately. The good news is that the competition goes on and with the announcement below, even more traffic will be directed to our site.

AmazonClicks to Sell eBooks !

Having watched the behaviour of some on line retailers recently and the growth in sales of ebooks, AmazonClicks is to build a worldclass store specialising in eBook sales and free downloads. This store will be open to all authors and all available formats. In addition, we will offer to convert any work from a 'Word' format into an ebook including short stories, poems and of course full length books.

Based in the Channel Islands, AmazonClicks (like's Jersey operation) can take advantage of the 'de minimus' agreement that allows all goods to be sold without VAT below an £18 value. This will apply to all eBooks as the top price will be limited so no VAT or Sales Tax of any kind will be charged. This coupled with the low operational costs of distributing eBooks will permit generous margins to be paid to our authors who, after all, were responsible for the many hours of creative work that went into these publications. It is anticipated that the higher sales volume and margins will result in a greater return to the authors even though the retail price may be the same or lower.

There will be no initial publication charge for pre-formatted works and the site will be promoted heavily online. A small charge will be made for the conversion of works from 'Word' to eBook format.

This represents a huge opportunity for all writers to distribute their works to an international audience and ride the eBook wave which is currently outstripping paper books by about 10 to 1. It is also a much more environmentally friendly route to market.

During May and June AmazonClicks will transform in appearance to ensure it is 'user friendly' to ebook customers and our marketing will commence ready for a launch on 1st July, 2009.

A note to authors now - how do you get your book listed?

At this stage, we invite all authors to contact us by email at giving the name of the work they wish published, a contact name and email address (if other than the sending address) and an indication of the eBook format(s) available. If not in any format, just confirm it is available in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format.

NB It is vital that you confirm that you are the owner of the copyright for any work put forward and take full responsibility in the event of any subsequent claims.

We will reply with a list of other details that are required in a few weeks.

Finally, we don't see eBooks as the demise of their paper counterparts, they will appeal to a different audience but one that is large and growing very rapidly.

Monday 20 April 2009

It's been quiet

Well you may be wondering why there have been no updates for a while.

The truth is there' been nothing to tell you. The voting has dropped off a cliff and right now I'm wondering if it will recover.

I like to keep upbeat but as this site isn't here to make me money, I need to see some activity to justify my efforts. :)

Since we set up over two thousand people have voted for a variety of titles and their support has been very much appreciated by me and, more importantly, by the authors they supported. I know of course that many authors lobbied their customers to support them and that is fine.

Perhaps the current authors listed should try this?

We're in the last week of voting for April so there has never been a better opportunity to get your favorite title an Award.

Let's see the votes return!

Monday 13 April 2009

Abstract Murder

A new title by A L Peck, 'Abstract Murder' is the only submission over the last few days and the voting has also been low. So no changes in the positions of our leading books.

Everyone on holiday? :)

Saturday 11 April 2009

Amazon Boycott

We've come a long way since starting up and the Awards as well as the previous relationship with Amazon in their Associates program. We have also learned a great deal about the way Amazon operate, some of which we find unpalatable.

They used to be a great company to work with and buy from but now, like many large organisations, they have lost the plot and started to attack the very people they built their business on, the authors.

They are trying to force every print on demand author to use their wholly owned printing company and they are imposing 60% profit margins on many of the publishers who supply them. This effectively squeezes them out of the market.

What Amazon seem to forget is that there are a great many authors who are also their customers and these people have family and friends who have been customers as well. So enough is enough, a boycott has been called and supports it.

To find out more, follow this link to the Arts Council sponsored website of ''.

There is always Barnes & Noble, Waterstones,, WH Smith, The Book Depositary, etc. in fact many others who provide excellent service and free delivery of books to your door. So please tell everyone you know to support the boycott until and unless Amazon changes its ways.

Thank you

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Change in the Authors' lead for April

'Shaping the Wolf within your Dog' has taken the lead in the Authors' Choice Award for April and several other positions have changed.

'Angels in Mourning' continues to lead with our Readers' Choice Award although there has been some position shifting further down the ranks so who knows how long the lead will last!

The votes are streaming in now for April and as ever, the positions (especially leading positions) are extremely close.

Friday 3 April 2009

April off to a Better Start

You're back!

The first flurry of voting for April puts 'Out of the Italian Night' (my late father's book!) at the head of the Authors' Choice Awards and 'Angels in Mourning' at the front of the Readers' Choice Awards this month.

I struggled with whether or not to include my father's book and decided not to allow my own book, 'Rachel's Shoe' from competing even though it was nominated. Dad's book is a different situation though and I feel as long as I'm 'up front' about it - why not?

So here you have the early positions for April, let's see what happens!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Tumbleweed rolls !!

Well we have had one day when no votes came in for one of our categories after a month end but over the past 24 hours no votes have been received for either!

This, of course , spells opportunity for you to get your favorite title in the lead for April! Right now there's little between the top 30 books so your vote might make all the difference.

Go on, get the ball rolling for April and reward your chosen author!

Sunday 29 March 2009

And the Winners for March are ........ !

'Dusk Before the Dawn' by Larry Ketchersid wins the Readers' Choice Award for March with run away last minute voting!

The Authors' Choice Award goes to 'Time Couriers' by C Q Scafidi.

Congratulations to both authors and thank you to the hundreds of supporters who voted for our titles in March. 

Saturday 28 March 2009

Just a few hours to go!

In the closing hours 'Dusk before the Dawn' and 'Time Couriers' look set to win this months' Awards. Will there be an upset in the closing hours?

Check back here tomorrow to find out!

Thursday 26 March 2009

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Countdown on March!

3, 2, 1 ... the days are counting down and an overnight re-shuffles threatens to upset the favorites in this month's awards.

First place in the Authors' Award is now a draw between two titles and the rest are biting at their heals.

The Readers' Choice Award is now separated by just 3 votes! So basically anything could happen with just a few days to go.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

New day - same positions!

Overnight the votes fell almost equally on our leading titles leaving the positions unchanged for another day.

In this final week, every vote counts so if you have yet to vote for your favorite, you could make all the difference!

Just 4 days of voting left !

Monday 23 March 2009

Final week of March

As the months draws to a close, 'Dusk Before the Dawn' by Larry Ketchersid holds on to the first place in our Readers' Choice Award and 'Time Couriers' by C Q Scafidi leads our Authors' Choice.

As ever the voting is close at the top especially in the Author's Choice Awards where only a few votes seperate most of the leading titles.

Both awards are very much up for grabs and by this time next week, two authors will be celebrating their success and preparing Press Releases to announce the winning of an AmazonClicks Award!

Saturday 21 March 2009

Final Week of March!

Now you can all see the rankings for March and with just one week to go, there are a number of titles vying and in close contention for the Awards this month.

The announcement of the winners will be made next weekend and I will give you a blow by blow account during the week on this news page. The nomination pages will also be updated tomorrow so you will know the latest positions at the beginning of the week.

What the ranks don't tell you of course is just how close it is at the top in both categories - there's still every chance your favorite title could win this month!

Friday 20 March 2009

New Look to Site

The new look to is almost completed and although not radically different it will be tidier, easier to navigate and, importantly, quicker for me to update!

I intend to update positions each weekend and the month end announcements will now be moved to the last weekend each month - to cut out the late nights when it falls mid-week! The 'News' Blog however will be updated daily so you can keep up with any news or position changes.

As you will see, we have severed the Associate relationship with Amazon and this means our annual Book Award prize will be changed. The new prize will be one whole year of prominent promotion on the AmazonClicks website - this receives thousands of visitors every month - in addition to International Press Releases announcing the winning title!

There is still a little finishing off to do over the coming days but thank you for your patience and please remember the votes continue as normal. This month is as close as ever!

Monday 16 March 2009

The Lead Grows!

As we arive at the middle of March, the leading titles are widening the gap. It's good to see that our website work hasn't impacted adversely on the voting and the daily count is still going well. The authors in both categories will welcome this support a great deal so.

The disruption to the site will be over very soon. Keep those votes coming in!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Progress update!

We are still beavering away in the backroom of the AmazonClicks site and whilst it will take a few more days, there is no impact on the ability to accept votes for your favorite books.

Another new comer is soaring through the ranks of the Readers' Choice at the moment and our Authors' remain pretty quiet. 'Dusk before the Dawn' is clinging onto first place despite attempts to dislodge it. It's all very close indeed!

One of our voters has experienced a problem with repeating acknowledgement messages which we are looking into. If this also affects you, please let me know by emailing , we think it is sorted out as our attempts to recreate the problem haven't yielded any issues, but if not please tell us.


Thursday 5 March 2009

The Race for March gets Underway!

'Dusk Before the Dawn' is out in front for our March Readers' Choice Award at present although several books are catching rapidly. In particular a new entry, 'RadgePacket - Tales from the Inner Cities' is rising rapidly through the ranks so an interesting month is ahead of us.

Our Authors' Choice Award has seen more modest activity over the last few days and several titles are currently sharing the leading place! This looks like an opportunity for our Authors to help one of their chosen titles 'steal a March' on the others, if you'll forgive the pun!

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Keep Those March Votes Coming!

Despite the workman all over our site with buckets and ladders everywhere, our Awards business carries on as usual! Please use this blog to check on the voting progress this month as it may be a couple of weeks before the site is ready. Basically, we are improving some of the 'back-end' processes to make it function more efficiently.

I will let our two February winners savour their victory a little longer before reporting on the votes this month but suffice it to say they are already coming in and new leaders are emerging!

Sunday 1 March 2009

February Voting Closes and the Winners are .....!

....'Out of the Wreckage: The Pop Stories' by Barbara Blanks for our Readers Choice Award, and 'Stage Struck' by Suzanne Stokes for our Authors' Choice Award!

Congratulations to Barbara and Suzanne!

Your Award certificates will be ready in a few days and your titles will be entered in our Hall of Fame.

The website is now undergoing a face lift so please bear with us whilst this happens. However, the voting for March can continue as normal so please keep those votes coming in, they won't be wasted even if the site doesn't appear to be reflecting the changing positions whilst we make our improvements.

Once again, well done to our February winners!

Saturday 28 February 2009

It's very close!

It is very close with just half an hour to go !

Radio silence until the morning now - remember to check the blog as the main site is being improved.

Good luck Authors!

Friday 27 February 2009

Just one day to go!

There is just one day left to vote for February's AmazonClicks Awards and the votes are still piling in!

The winners will be announced here on the Blog this weekend although the website may take a few days to be updated due to improvements currently being made.

New titles are still coming in so I think March is off to an early start.. but hang on, let's get through February first and there is still time to change the outcome!

Thursday 26 February 2009

Tie at Second Place

The Readers' Choice Award now has 'Out if the Wreckage' in the lead but a few votes behind there is a tie for second place between 'Dusk Before the Dawn' and 'Angels in Mourning'.

With just two voting days remaining, it couldn't be closer and very few votes seperate all the leading books. This is also true in our Authors' Choice category where several titles are sharing the same positions.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Change at the Top of the Readers' Choice

After a flurry of overnight votes, 'Out of the Wreckage' has moved into poll position with our Readers. No change in the Authors' Choice.

As we move into the final few days of the month, the voting is really hotting up and it's still all up for grabs in February!

Keep those votes coming!

Monday 23 February 2009

Voting continues to be strong!

February continues to see strong voting despite the issues experienced with Amazon.

'Dusk Before the Dawn' has moved back into leading position with our Readers and 'Starlet Rivalry' has jumped to the number one spot with our Authors for the first time.

A new site is being developed to minimise any disruption if Amazon continue to be difficult but we are advised by our legal experts we can continue under the name of the AmazonClicks Awards if we wish. The domain '' is wholly owned by us.

The only change if necessary will be the link to the Amazon Associates Program where our titles can be purchased. If Amazon do end our participation in this program we will link to another supplier. We hope that this won't be necessary.

Thursday 19 February 2009

AmazonClicks Site Operation

Despite approving the Amazon Associates account several months ago and corresponding without concern on a variety of matters, Amazon have now decided they wish to close the Associates account for

As an associate of many years, we have directed hundreds of new customers to Amazon and promoted them extensively. Of course, we will not take this action sitting down but first I want to ensure that the thousands of you who vote for our authors, can continue to support them in the future. All the authors featured on our site greatly appreciate your votes and the prestige they get if they win one of our Awards.

The good news is - the show goes on!

The issue Amazon have is with our name, and before you say it - yes I know they approved it!

Anyway, we have another name already lined up and we will be migrated to it very soon. It is possible that Amazon will 'jump the gun' and, if so, parts of the AmazonClicks site will no longer be available. It is still under construction so please leave this until week commencing 23rd February, the address is I hope you like our new name!

As we own the domain name, the site will continue to operate and if necessary will link to other fulfillment providers if Amazon pull the plug. There will be a clear link to 'TheBookAwards' and the Worldwide Book Collaboration Project which is powering on with many hundreds of hours work already completed by our team.

Please keep on supporting our authors by voting (there is no change of email address) and I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition to a brand new look and feel at TheBookAwards site!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Vote for your Favorite Title

Support your favorite author by voting on!

Each month the votes are counted and two Awards are made, the Readers' Choice and the Authors' Choice Awards.

The publicity authors get from these awards helps them to sell copies of their books and is therefore very much appreciated, especially by new or relatively unknown authors. Approaching 3,ooo votes have been cast since these awards began in the summer of 2008 and several titles have since benefited from the publicity gained.

However, the awards are about more than that, they are your way of showing appreciation to the author of a work you enjoyed or appreciated for its merit. They will have spent months or years planning and writing and possibly as long again seeking a publisher, so why not spend a few seconds to vote for them? Just email '' with the name of the book in the subject bar of your email. If you are a published author yourself and wish to vote for our Authors' Choice Award, please add the ISBN number of any of your published works next to the title you are voting - it's as easy as that to say 'Thank you'!

Our current leaders in February are 'Out of the Wreckage' and 'Stage Struck'.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Mid-Month Update

Well the mid-month position shows 'Out of the Wreckage' holding onto its lead with our Readers and 'Stage Struck' topping the Authors' Choice Award.

Although there aren't many votes separating the leaders from the rest, the main competition at present is for the number two slot in each award. There is just a single vote between these!

At the month end this will be academic because there can be only one winner each month but it is so close that any of the leading titles could take the February Awards.

Keep those votes pouring in for your favorite title!

Thursday 12 February 2009

It's Tough at the Top!

One minute you are there, the next your down a few places. Nobody can deny it's tough for our top titles!

As the month progresses the leading books in both categories have changed and the votes keep coming in!

What will tomorrow bring?

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Midweek shuffle

Just a few votes over the past 24 hours but enough to rattle the positions of the leading titles in both categories.

We will be half way through the month in a couple of days and the voting is still much too close to call!

Monday 9 February 2009

New Entrant Flies to the Top!

It's been an exciting couple of days voting wise especially with our Readers' Choice Award for February. From nowhere a new entry 'Out of the Wreckage' has flown into first place and now leads by a single vote! It is very close between all the top books in both categories but this new title has done very well to steal the lead a short time after being nominated.

Early days but February looks like a very interesting competition!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Dusk Before the Dawn Back in the Lead!

With the voting hotting up this week, Dusk Before the Dawn is back in the lead for the Readers' Choice Award but only a few votes separate the top three titles!

Meanwhile the Authors Choice Award has seen no position shifts in the top three despite the incoming votes and new titles appearing during the week.

February is off to a really good start and we anticipate high numbers of votes for the winning books this month.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Midweek update

Overnight the second position in our Readers' Choice Award changed but the leading books in both categories remains the same. This is despite the relatively few votes seperating the leaders.

Keep those votes coming in!

Tuesday 3 February 2009

February - all change!

They say it's the most snow in 20 years here in the British Channel Island of Guernsey but frankly I don't ever remember seeing so much. That still amounts to just six or seven inches and it will probably dissappear today after just 48 hours, but it did bring our island to a standstill.

So with our outlying islands looking like snowy mountains rising out of the sea, I can concentrate on the voting that's come in over the past couple of days. It's a good start, new titles have come in again and renewed voting for some the existing titles as well as the newer additions.

The positions today are, 'Angels in Mourning' leads the Readers' Choice and 'Stage Struck' leads our Authors' Choice. You can see the actual rank ordering in these two sections of the website if you want to know where your choice is currently placed.

Whatever the weather where you are, why not curl up with a good book and support the author by voting here at!

Saturday 31 January 2009

And the January 2099 Winners are ........!

The first title to win our Readers' Choice Award in 2009 is 'In Search of an Angel'! After a very close contest between the top 4 titles in this category just one vote separated first and second place. Only a handful of votes between the rest giving them a great start to the February positions.

Congratulations to author Martin Penalver.

Our distinguished Authors' Choice for January goes to the popular work by Mick Parker - 'Devil's Trinity'! Also a close race but 'Devil's Trinity' held the lead for most of the month of January.

Congratulations also to author Mick Parker.

Sunday 25 January 2009

No News - Hopefully Good News!

Just a reminder that there will be no updates this week as I'm away at a conference.

For those Authors hoping to grab the first Awards of 2009, hopefully no news will be good news!

I'll report on the winners at the weekend.

Saturday 24 January 2009

January very close as we approach final week!

With some shuffling of positions, the January voting is getting very close indeed.

Ony a few votes seperate the top titles in both categories and only one can win in each!

Please note, there will be no updates during the week ahead as I'm away at a conference. I can't wait to see who has won the first awards of the year when I get back on Friday! The results will be announced next weekend.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Strong voting for leading titles!

Over the past 24 hours there has been strong voting especially for 'Dusk Before The Dawn' and 'Angels in Mourning'. The overnight positions haven't changed but as the votes pour in it's to close to call who will win the first Awards in 2009!

Tuesday 20 January 2009

A few days with no new Titles

As the top titles jostle for positions, we usually see a steady stream of new titles coming forward. Perhaps it's the momentous world events taking place in America or the global recession but for the first time in months we have seen a run of a few days with no new titles coming forward.

We've still got votes coming in for your favourites though so that helps them even more!

Monday 19 January 2009

January shuffle!

'The Devil's Trinity' moves into top spot amongst our authors and 'In Search of an Angel' now leads the Readers' Choice Awards.

There is now very little seperating the leading titles and it is anybody's guess which titles will win the January Awards!

Friday 16 January 2009

Mid month update!

What are you doing on these cold January evenings ?

Hopefully reading your favorite titles ordered from followed by voting to support them in the monthly awards.

Even being nominated for an award helps authors to promote their works and to actually win is a great PR opportunity! So go on, when you have enjoyed your read, vote to support the author.

In addition, all award winners are automatically entered for the annual Book Awards.

As for this month, no change overnight in the leading positions but it is all still up for grabs in January.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

New Leaders & Annual Award Details

Nearly half way through January and the New Year has seen another change of leaders. 'Dusk before the Dawn' has gone into first place in the Readers' Choice Awards and 'The Devil's Trinity' now leads with our Authors!

Details on the annual 'Book Awards' have been released this week with another new initiative to ensure the book buying public will decide on the winner and the cash prize awarded. The Annual Book Award will be made to one title achieving the most votes each year.


Nominations for the annual award will be restricted to those books winning each month's AmazonClicks Readers' and Author's Choice Awards. As the awards began mid-way through 2008, the first 2009 Awards will include all winners throughout the period until November 2009. Each year after 2009, the qualifying period will be December to November so that we can announce the winner in December each year, before Christmas.

In order to support your favorite title, you will be invited to vote (details on how to vote will follow). It will be one vote per person unless;

1) Any purchases of books from the 'Role of Honour' or 'Special Categories' on the AmazonClicks site (only) will entitle the purchaser to additional votes, one for each book purchased. Proof of purchase will be required e.g. you can forward the email despatch note from Amazon. There will be no limit to the number of additional votes per person which can be used to support the same or a selection of titles. An email confirming your voting entitlement will be issued for every purchaser.

2) Multiple votes other than those issued above, will not count against the nominated title and if deliberate 'spamming' is suspected they may count against the title they nominate.

The Prize Fund

100% of all commissions paid by any associate Amazon company to for books in the Role of Honour or Special Categories between January 1st 2009 and November 30th 2009, will be donated to the Prize Fund for the winning author!

In addition, for 2009 only 50% of all other commssions earned on the store will also be donated to the Prize Fund! This includes books from any section of the site or even books purchased from another Amazon site as as direct result of the 'Search' box on the AmazonClicks site. This means that effectively any book in print can be purchased and half the commission will be donated to the Prize Fund!

Monday 12 January 2009

Plenty of votes - small changes

The past 48 hours has seen a flurry of votes again for the top books in each category. As a result some of the positions have changed but not by a great deal.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Ch.. ch.. ch.. changes!

The angles are flying again with both leading books now; 'In Search of an Angel' and 'Angels in Mourning!'

A slight delay on the update for The Book Awards final tweaks are being worked out but we'll post the info here first so come back soon!

Friday 9 January 2009

Re-shuffle of Titles

The leading titles have all moved around positions in both our catagories since yesterday and as the weekend is usually a busy time, we can expect more as we head into the middle of the month.

In the next post I hope to give more details about our annual Book Awards and how you can support your favorite titles, so watch this space!

Thursday 8 January 2009

Lots of votes, same leaders!

Despite lots of votes, especially for 'Dusk Before the Dawn', the positions are virtually unchanged since yesterday!

What will tomorrow bring? 

Check back here to find out!

Tuesday 6 January 2009

The Annual Book Awards

As voting continues for the monthly Awards, it is worth remembering that all winning books will automatically be nominated for the Annual Book Awards later this year!

More shuffling of positions over night but the top spots didn't change....yet!

Monday 5 January 2009

Changes at the Top!

'In Search of an Angel' moves back into the top spot after several weeks in the Reader's Choice Award and 'The Devil's Trinity' pushes into lead the Author's Choice for January!

As you might imagine, January is a good month to stay indoors with your feet up and a good book close at hand. Our readers and authors are clearly doing this but also getting online to support their favourite stories.

This might be a good time to browse the other nominated titles and order something to occupy you in the cold weeks ahead!

Saturday 3 January 2009

The New Year Kicks Off with a Flurry of Votes!

First off the blocks in the Reader's Choice Award for January is 'Angels in Mourning' with strong voting for all titles - this is currently the leading the field.

Angels also feature in our Author's Choice Award with 'In Search of Angels' leading this category.

The other positions have mainly altered with a flurry of votes and some new titles arriving over the last few days.

Looks like January is set to be quite a contest!